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UPDATED; 11/10/17



According to the press release on the official website of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., (2017, 1 September.), the Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) 9150 chipset is the latest innovation that compliments development of future vehicles. Developed by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., it is aimed at increasing road safety and enhancing autonomous drivability. The 9150 comprises of two types of communication modes between vehicles and devices: direct communication and network-based communication. Its network-based communication utilises the current 4G/5G to communicate with other vehicles and devices to create a sense of awareness. For example, a vehicle and pedestrian are heading towards each other, however the driver is unaware because there may be objects obstructing his view. The mobile phone and vehicle communicates to map out the collision course and predicts an impending accident. Therefore, the system issues a warning to caution both parties that danger is impending. However, in the absence of the 4G/5G network, it’s direct communications capability ensures uninterrupted connection. It utilises the “5.9GHz Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) band”, or also known as “IEEE 802.11p”. The direct communication capability functions as a redundancy in such situations and it eliminates the necessity of reliance on the existing network infrastructure to exchange vital information. With the data, it enhances vehicle and pedestrian situational awareness and is able to anticipate any situation. The 9150 has the potential to save lives and improve safety in many aspects.  


UPDATED; 11/10/17

Full Analysis;


There are many products on the market that offers similar technology to Qualcomm’s 9150 C-V2X such as GPS and collection of vehicle statistics. However, most are offered as a stand-alone product and require an external installation of the device. The 9150 offers the solution by combining all functions into one chip and it also has the ability to support fully autonomous vehicles. In addition, major automobile manufacturers are in support of the development of the 9150 and are looking forward to test the new chip on their vehicles. “Both Audi and PSA Group, which oversees Peugeot and Citroën, have agreed to test Qualcomm's new chipset” (Krok, 2017, September 1. para.3). The 9150 stands out from its competitors because it has the support of major auto manufacturers, thus the 9150 will be integrated into the vehicle’s system as it is a major breakthrough in telematics technology and will redefine the meaning of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X). Audi from Volkswagen Group (VG), has begun sales of its 2017 A4 model with the C-V2X capability.


One of the unique feature of the 9150 chipsets is the direct communication capability that can warn the driver and pedestrian if they are on a collision course. This system works in both lines of sight (LOS), and non-line of sight (NLOS). The system can also provide information on incoming emergency vehicles, prompting the user to give way in advance. As such, this feature helps reduce the number of accidents that involves pedestrian and also makes it safer for driver and pedestrian to travel on the road.  

The LocoMate ROOF is a product of Arada Systems, Inc., and is one of the direct competitors to Qualcomm’s 9150 chipsets. LocoMate ROOF utilizes Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and features an early warning system, comparable to the 9150 chipset. The LocoMate ROOF has a LOS range of 1 kilometer, however the 9150 has virtually an unlimited range because it utilises cellular network. In addition, the 9150’s direction communication system functions up to 450 meters, twice the range of LocoMate ROOF’s DSRC. Therefore, LocoMate ROOF is unable to detect pedestrians, which can be fatal in NLOS situations. The unlimited range of the 9150 also proves to be more reliable in providing data to the system.  


Finally, another convenient feature of the 9150 chipset is the ability to connect to the cloud network through 4G/5G cellular network. This allows update of the firmware to the latest version when available. This ensures that the processor functions optimally. The cloud network also provides assistance to the driver,  such as locating a parking spot more conveniently. However, the LocoMate ROOF requires a Wi-Fi compatible device with cellular network, such as a mobile phone, to update it’s firmware. This can be time consuming for some users. As such, the system may not be up to date and does not function optimally. Without updating its firmware, the LocoMate ROOF could lack a new feature that aids in improving safety. As the 9150 chipset is integrated into the vehicle’s system, the LocoMate ROOF requires the module to be attached to the roof via a physical wire. The wire may be damaged in the long run by weather and physical wear and tear. Therefore, LocoMate ROOF might not be the best choice in long run compared to 9150.


These features of the 9150 chipsets prove that it is overall superior since it is carefully designed to improve safety in many aspects, as well as convenience. The Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life.




  1. Accesswire (2017, September 5). QUALCOMM Unveils Cellular-V2X, A Revolutionary Chipset Supporting Automotive Road Safety in Self-Driving Cars. Retrieved from


  1. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (n.d). Cellular V2X. Retrieved from


  1. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (n.d). Retrieved from


  1. Krok.A. (2017, September 1). New Qualcomm V2X chipset brings mad bandwidth to connected cars. Retrieved from


  1. Goodwin, A. (2016, December 6). Audi’s new Traffic Light Information makes red lights less painful. Retrieved from


  1. Arada Systems. (n.d). Retrieved from

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